Jan 17, 2012

Wayang Antasena APL


About Antasena
Antasena is Bimasena child, He was born to a mother named Dewi Urangayu daughter Batara Mintuna.
BIMA left his pregnant wife when he should return to the country Amarta. Antasena born and raised by his mother and grandfather, and when he was grow up he go to amarta kingdom to meet his father, But at that time Bhima and his brothers being kidnapped by the Kaurava ally named King Ganggatrimuka Dasarsamodra  
Antasena find his father and the Pandavas were dead, because it was locked up in prison made ​​of iron and drowned in the sea ,By using Cupu Madusena granting his grandfather, Antasena can turn them back and he also killed Ganggatrimuka. Then Antasena married his cousin Arjuna daughter named Janakawati.

Antasena is son of bima the most powerful he can fly, vanish into the earth and also can dive in the water, Her skin was shielded by scales of shrimp that make it immune from weapons..

From wikipedia

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